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Specific to Women

Besides the difference in reproductive organs between men and women, women can be more negatively impacted by toxins and pathogens even though they exist equally regardless of sex.  For example, some sexual diseases can remain dormant in men, acting as carriers.  The same disease in women may present different symptoms, cause chronic conditions, organ damage, infertility, and even harm to an unborn child.  In addition, women are more susceptible to urinary tract infections (UTI) because of anatomical differences that can allow a more internal and serious infection to occur in systems other than the reproductive organs.  The presence of a chronic UTI often prompts or exacerbates mental health issues, which further impedes a healthy quality of life.  Furthermore, pregnancy and birth aftercare issues are exclusively women’s issues, hence the need of a separate category.  Other women’s issues, such as menopause and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and postpartum depression belong to the endocrine dysfunction and psychological dysfunction categories, respectively.

The diagnostic processes of the Bicom Optima 34 identify the stressed areas and type of stressors in the female anatomy, and direct targeted therapy to alleviate the symptoms and restore balance.  Often the removal of the stressors and establishment of an elimination pathway remove the energetic blocks, allowing the body to recover on its own.  Issues such as infertility or pregnancy complications are often resolved without further intervention.  The Bicom Optima 34 has also been effective in supporting post birth recovery damage, such as ligament damage, episiotomy damage, hysterectomy, Cesarean section scars, trauma, headaches, spine problems, fatigue, and bladder incontinence.  The procedures are safe, gentle, and effective in restoring homeostatic balance.