Mental Health

Aspects of mental health are interrelated with all other categories of the holistic elements – symptomology in either physical or mental health can be isolated to one, such as a broken bone is associated with the physical element, but most often symptoms are caused by or are a response to disturbances in the other element.  In other cases, such as certain neurological disorders, a genetic component may predispose or influence symptoms, while internal and external stressors to the body may further exacerbate the patient’s well-being and ability to function to their potential.  A good example of this is Autism and its spectrum disorders.  Specialized treatments with the Bicom Optima 34 have demonstrated a functionality increase of 60% in children.  Often, this marked approval allows the children to attend mainstream school, socialize with peers, and lead a more productive life.  Another good example common to many women is depression, body self-image, and relational stress from no apparent mental health causes.  Diagnostic processes aided by the Bicom Optima 34 have found physiological conditions, such as PCOS and other hormonal imbalances, that are responsible for the emotional/psychological imbalance.  Bioresonance treatments have demonstrated effective treatment by removing the blockages within the body that hinders its self repair.  The mental health concerns resolve themselves once the body is balanced.  The holistic aspect is a powerful tool in diagnosing and treating the human body as a whole organism.